If you have chatted with a Filipina for more than a month and she still likes. You might be lucky enough to hear the words "I love you!!". When I was on Filipino Kisses I met few girls who said I love you after 4 conversations. There were very few indeed that wouldn't say "I love you!". It is this authors opinion that fililpinas are in general very serious about demonstrating their love. The only caveat I have is for the scammers who will say "I love you!" to get more money from you. In my blog post Challenges of Dating A Filipina I mentioned how a Filipina will never ask you for money if she really loves you.
My wife, in the 3.25 years we dated would get upset at the fact I sent her money. Now understand in that case, I sent her money on the anniversary of the day we met, her birthday and a couple of other times a year for Christmas and Valentines etc...Most Filipinas will strenuously avoid asking for money, except where they couldn't get it from a brother or sister in a foreign country. If you do like a Filipina and she just doesn't have the money to get online to chat with you. You may decide under that circumstance to send her money, again if she loves you. She will tell you she is OK, that is probably one of the best indications of her true feelings for you.
So what does it mean when she says "I love you!"?. In my experience it simply means that they find you attractive because of your interests and hobbies they share with you. If they do say "I love you!" , they are willing to settle down with you for life. Now I know your saying "...But she only chatted with me 4 times in the last month. How can she really love me?". In talking with my Filipina friends, they have confirmed that the reason they create these alliances early on are because they want to guarantee your loyalty to them. If they get you as their boyfriend, it will mean that they won't be having 3 or more children to a drunk husband who might gamble to much or cheat on her. That in addition to her being poor already, of course. Now are Filipino men all so bad? The answer simply is "No!". So for her, there is an element of her finding westerners attractive too, the very same way guys in the west find Asian women attractive.
If you do decide to travel to the Philippines to see you your girlfriend or fiancee. You will notice how well they treat you when your with them. As you will see with time, even if you have an extremely modest lifestyle, you can still find someone who will love you in the Philippines cause you will provide her with a very good chance to enjoy her life with you. She will demonstrate her love to you at every opportunity she can. She will treat you like a king, you will need to get used to her doing things for you cause this is how they demonstrate their love for you.
I hope this helps you to find that special someone out there for you and has opened your eyes to the inner beauty of dating a Filipina. If you have found this article helpful, please subscribe at the top of the page for more updates of this blog.
My wife, in the 3.25 years we dated would get upset at the fact I sent her money. Now understand in that case, I sent her money on the anniversary of the day we met, her birthday and a couple of other times a year for Christmas and Valentines etc...Most Filipinas will strenuously avoid asking for money, except where they couldn't get it from a brother or sister in a foreign country. If you do like a Filipina and she just doesn't have the money to get online to chat with you. You may decide under that circumstance to send her money, again if she loves you. She will tell you she is OK, that is probably one of the best indications of her true feelings for you.
So what does it mean when she says "I love you!"?. In my experience it simply means that they find you attractive because of your interests and hobbies they share with you. If they do say "I love you!" , they are willing to settle down with you for life. Now I know your saying "...But she only chatted with me 4 times in the last month. How can she really love me?". In talking with my Filipina friends, they have confirmed that the reason they create these alliances early on are because they want to guarantee your loyalty to them. If they get you as their boyfriend, it will mean that they won't be having 3 or more children to a drunk husband who might gamble to much or cheat on her. That in addition to her being poor already, of course. Now are Filipino men all so bad? The answer simply is "No!". So for her, there is an element of her finding westerners attractive too, the very same way guys in the west find Asian women attractive.
If you do decide to travel to the Philippines to see you your girlfriend or fiancee. You will notice how well they treat you when your with them. As you will see with time, even if you have an extremely modest lifestyle, you can still find someone who will love you in the Philippines cause you will provide her with a very good chance to enjoy her life with you. She will demonstrate her love to you at every opportunity she can. She will treat you like a king, you will need to get used to her doing things for you cause this is how they demonstrate their love for you.
I hope this helps you to find that special someone out there for you and has opened your eyes to the inner beauty of dating a Filipina. If you have found this article helpful, please subscribe at the top of the page for more updates of this blog.