Wednesday, June 20, 2012

When A Filipina Says I Love You

If you have chatted with a Filipina for more than a month and she still likes. You might be lucky enough to hear the words "I love you!!".  When I was on Filipino Kisses I met  few girls who said I love you after 4 conversations. There were very few indeed that wouldn't say "I love you!". It is this authors opinion that fililpinas are in general very serious about demonstrating their love. The only caveat I have is for the scammers who will say "I love you!" to get more money from you. In my blog post Challenges of Dating A Filipina I mentioned how a Filipina will never ask you for money if she really loves you.

My wife, in the 3.25 years we dated would get upset at the fact I sent her money. Now understand in that case, I sent her money on the anniversary of the day we met, her birthday and a couple of other times a year for Christmas and Valentines etc...Most Filipinas will strenuously avoid asking for money, except where they couldn't get it from a brother or sister in a foreign country. If you do like a Filipina and she just doesn't have the money to get online to chat with you. You may decide under that circumstance to send her money, again if she loves you. She will tell you she is OK, that is probably one of the best indications of her true feelings for you.

So what does it mean when she says "I love you!"?. In my experience it simply means that they find you attractive because of your interests and hobbies they share with you. If they do say "I love you!" , they are willing to settle down with you for life. Now I know your saying "...But she only chatted with me 4 times in the last month. How can she really love me?". In talking with my Filipina friends, they have confirmed that the reason they create these alliances early on are because they want to guarantee your loyalty to them. If they get you as their boyfriend, it will mean that they won't be having 3 or more children to a drunk husband who might gamble to much or cheat on her. That in addition to her being poor already, of course. Now are Filipino men all so bad? The answer simply is "No!". So for her, there is an element of her finding westerners attractive too, the very same way guys in the west find Asian women attractive.

If you do decide to travel to the Philippines to see you your girlfriend or fiancee. You will notice how well they treat you when your with them.  As you will see with time, even if you have an extremely modest lifestyle, you can still find someone who will love you in the Philippines cause you will provide her with a very good chance to enjoy her life with you. She will demonstrate her love to you at every opportunity she can. She will treat you like a king, you will need to get used to her doing things for you cause this is how they demonstrate their love for you.

I hope this helps you to find that special someone out there for you and has opened your eyes to the inner beauty of dating a Filipina. If you have found this article helpful, please subscribe at the top of the page for more updates of this blog.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Challanges of Dating A Filipina Online

I've found the fact that many Filipinas in general are going to be on 10:30 -11:30 PHT. That very fact weeded a lot of the girls from my list, then there was how often they could be online.

In my experience of meeting girls online at Filipino Kisses, I found that there were a lot of girls to meet on that that site from different regions of the Philippines. My first suggestion would be to limit yourself to a region close to Manila or Cebu since these are the major ports there. Once you decide on where you'd like to go in the Philippines. The next step is to find girls in that region.

Once you start dating Filipinas, you will find that some of them will ask you for me money. Usually these girls get banned pretty fast with excuses such as"I want to give my daughter a birthday party."or "I got robbed of my money!". There were in fact several excuses I heard why they need to borrow money. A true Filipina will never ask you for money if she really loves you. Here is a link to a a great website on scams that some Filipinas have done to unsuspecting men from Pointman Cebu.

One thing that a few of my friends found out the hard way is to find out how the family treats you before you marry them. There is a saying that when you marry a Filipina, you marry her family. A Filipinas family exerts a strong influence on her. If she is giving them money now, she will most likely continue to give them money after you marry her. She will be honor bound to help her family with as much money as she can spare.

When you want to get serious with a Filipina, talk with her about her families expectations and your expectations when you marry her. Make sure she understands your financial goals in marrying her an discuss them till both of you feel comfortable. Make sure she understands your goals in marriage such as buying a business or having a family and how that will affect the both of you.

In my next article I will discuss the words a Filipina will say to you if she likes you "I love you". See you then and please remember to subscribe to this blog for further updates at the top right of the blog.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Process Of My Relationship With Eve

When I started working at Safeway in 2001. I was introduced to a guy who was hired a little before named Brian. I worked side by side with him for several years before he left to work another job. Mean while, as I was worked there I got to know a few of the security guards who are Filipino. That was my first introduction to knowing Filipinos.

As I got to know them I got to try different foods and then it happened. My advanced course started! I met a coworker who recently started working for Safeway in the bakery named Rea and that's when I really started to learn about Filipino culture. My friend Rea had met her husband through a website called Filipino Kisses. Rea gave all the the do's and don't's of meeting Filipinas online and off I went.

I met several Filipinas online,. Most of them, however were on at 2:30AM PST. To say the least, my job performance went really down during this time. Luckily it wasn't to long before I met my future wife, Eva. She was on at 5:30AM PST. Three and half years later almost I traveled there to meet her and marry her as I had promised about 2 years earlier.

In the three and half years we used the video call feature of Yahoo Messanger to chat mostly on all Tues, Thurs and Saturdays. During that time, our way of expressing oour unity was through putting our pictures into Imikimis. It was very important to both of us that we made those pictures. Even when my wife wife, then my girlfriend was mad at me, I would make pictures on the Imikimi website. Now Eve and I had our fights, mostly due to cultural and language issues.

 During the early part of May of 2012, I went to meet my wife to be in Cebu. Most of my days in the various government offices dealing with the paperwork to get married. Because of the rush time-frame, we couldn't get a judge for the date we had set. My wifes cousin, Greg had a cousin who was a mayor of nearby town called San Francisco. Luckily we were able to go there to get married then come back to the Tavern Hotel for the wedding reception.

If you'd like to read about my the various aspects of my trip, I've listed the links below:
My Rushed Marriage And It's Costs
Observed Differences In Wedding Traditions
My Trip To Loreto, Surigao Del Norte

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Trip to Loreto

 The few day I had off in Surigao was pretty much spent on a place on Dinigat Island called Loreto. Loreto is a very beautiful place. I had a wonderful time there chatting with my wifes relatives there. Loreto is a small town that is only means of transportation to and from the island is a charter boar that leaves twice a day from Surigao City bay.

The trip was a litle hard for me cause the boats are designed for people who are 5 feet or under. The portal to get in and out of the boat is maybe 2.5 feet by 3 feet. So for me being a big guy, getting in and out of the boat was difficult. Once inside the boat, the roof was no bigger than maybe 5 or 6 feet. I remember needing cock my head a little not to hit my head on the beams. The inside of the boat was filled with wood and plastic benches.

Once you are in Loreto, you will notice that if your diabetic, buying a diet pop is very difficult. If you need to drink, I suggest one of the brands of bottled water. The people I met were very warm and friendly. Of course there were Palm Trees and Coconut Trees everywhere. I was taken back about how beautiful Loreto was, despite it being a relatively small town. Loreto has only 2 major streets. The town is made of both buildings and huts.

One of the few places to stay is either the White House or Pink House Hotels. The hotels come with showers and toilets for patrons. A little word of warning, at least the Pink Hotel where I stayed doesn't have toilet lids,but otherwise was a pleasant place to sleep.

My wife and I and her cousins on either side with her nephew upfront on the beach in Loreto.
My wife and I with her nephew in Loreto

My wifes brother-in law from Tacloban outside the my wifes' mothers house in Loreto
My wife on the beach in Loreto.

Friday, June 15, 2012

My Life To Date

One of my goals for this blog is make sure that I don't want to become a forum for complaining and to discuss what has helped me to become who I am  today hasn't. I want you, my reader to learn from my successes and from my failures.

I definitely do not want this blog to be full of complaints it's extremely easy to complain. People always complain about the weather. I hear stuff like "It's too cold!" . According to the theorem "What you focus on is what you more of."

So why focus on stuff in my past that I can't change. One of my major beliefs is the above theorem. So I work on making things happen now by holding to a dominant thoughts that are so positive, that what you meets you half way. My other belief is to practice gratitude for what you got. I have found that by practicing gratitude, you start to realize exactly what you got in front of you to help you get to your next goal.

In short, while I could complain and feel bad about my past of feeling alone and neglected by people. Why bother though? It can't change your past! Focusing on what you got now to help you get to your next goal is more important. It also demonstrates personal responsibility, by putting the responsibility on yourself you start to take the initiative to fix the problems that have held you back and more importantly you stop feeling like a victim! More over, you start building life the way you want it to become the person you want to be!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Special Thanks!!!

The marriage ceremony that took place happened in San Francisco, at the marriage ceremony. In helping to make this wedding a reality, I have to recognize a few people who had a major part in making the wedding happen in the 2 week time frame.

Greg Veronque- with his help we wouldn't had met his cousin, the mayor of San Francisco.

Marites Bagalay Lorente-Sarmiento- who used her connections to make sure the paperwork went through fast for our CENOMAR and marriage license.

Nanay Reme- who helped helped find the driver and MC'ed our wedding.

Conrad Johnson- I have a great debt to him and Greg Veronique for taking about 500 or pictures of our pre-nuptial pictures and of our wedding day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Observed Wedding Traditions

In a previous post called Introduction I wrote about how I how rushed I felt and how much it cost to have a nice wedding. I thought to day I'd  talk more about the traditions that are important to my  then wifes'  family in Surigao.

The marriage ceremony I went through is mildly different that ceremonies in western culture in these respects. As part of the marriage ceremony the groom is given money, symbolic of the money that will be needed to take care of his wife and the family they will create together. The wife is asked if she will help manage the husbands money for the best the family.

After the marriage ceremony that took place in the San Francisco mayors office. Yes that
is right, I got married in San Francisco! San Francisco, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines, that is!
My wife and I being married by the mayor of San Francisco.

 We were whisked back to the Tavern Hotel, Surigao City for the reception.

At the reception, we were required to wait for the MC to introduce us. Then were to set up in the head chairs for photo opportunities, including drinking the champagne, which was really red wine and slice the cake and lechon.

After all that we sat down for just enough time for a was couple of entrees and few pieces of lechon before I was up doing more. The program required us do a waltz, but she was scared because our rehearsal was just the MC running though the program discussing what willow happen as the program progressed through the evening. So, we were at points mildly confused as to what we needed to do. I knew there was going to be a dance, possibly a waltz. The waltz they played wasn't in fact a waltz, but the song " The Blue Danube". During the song which lasted at least 20 minutes. During this time woman would come up to dance with me and pin peso bills to my shirt. My wife also ended up with pesos attached to her gown.

During the night I was pretty glued to the head chairs for photo ops or to dancing on the floor.

My only complaint about the Tavern Hotel program was the music part for the dancing. We wanted for sure to have 4 songs, which were important to us a couple were "Meet Me Halfway" by the Black Eyed Peas, "February Air" by Lights, "I Swear" by All 4 One and "Fools Rush In" by Corey Hart. I wished they could've played those 4 songs. That is the one of the regrets both of us have about our reception.

There is only one thing I should add is my wife and I had to go to each table to get our picture taken with that table.

To sum up my experience, my experience was generally good. I do wish that I had more time to enjoy the food and the hotel would have included the songs that were important to us a couple.The Decor was gorgeous. The Tavern Hotel was kind enough not to charge me for the extra 1: 45 it took to go to San Francisco to get married and get back. I found out the driver had to drive his boss to the beach before he picked us up. So that is why it took so long for him to get there.

 Despite all this, the wedding and reception went good. I hope this helps people deciding on getting married in the Philippines.

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Rush Marriage

I had a very pleasant 3 weeks in the Philippines to meet and marry my then girlfriend, my wife now. I left Vancouver at 1:15AM on May 7th bound for Cebu city via Manila. I spent 3 hours or so in Manila waiting for my connecting flight to Cebu. When you fly to Cebu City. You enter through Mactan Island in  Lapu-Lapu city which is part of the Metro Cebu area.

My intention was to meet my girlfriend Eva, get the the legal capacity to marry from the Canadian Consulate and see her friends she works with, then travel the next day to Surigao city.  We got to the the ferry 4 hours earlier cause that is what they say to do on the tickets I bought. We ended up waiting till 5:30 for our ferry to leave.Waiting in the ferry terminal was quite the experience with people waiting with packaged roosters in a cardboard box calling out in the the ferry terminals waiting room. I found it funny to hear roosters calling in ferry terminal. It is so different from what we in North America are used too seeing. Surigao city  is a 7 hour ferry ride from Cebu city. So we got off the ferry at 12:30 in the morning. Luckily we napped a bit in the state room for that trip. Buying a stateroom to stay in was rather cheap online. I think it was 1750p for 2 people. Here is the link from where I bought our tickets from Travel2Go

Later that day we woke up and did the first day of running around to get the paperwork done for our marriage license.

Marriage Documents You Need In Surigao City Are:

  • Legal Capacity To Marry from the Canadian Embassy or Consulate.  
  • Certificate of No Marriage or  CENOMAR for short from the National Statistics Office (My girlfriend and I debated this one cause she said her friend said I needed it and her cousin agreed, so I went along and got it. I've read you don't need it and most most of my friends didn't get it when they were married in Philippines. So this one is up to you.)
  • Marriage License- Now once you get your CENOMAR and Legal Capicity, you can go get your marriage license. This you have to wait 11 days for, I was told to take in account weekends, holidays and fiestas when applying which will make this time longer.

Now once you get all your documents. You can find a judge or mayor to marry you. If you find a judge, you need money for a raffle and be flexible on your dates you can get married. In my case I wasn't flexible as I had gotten a date at the Tavern Hotel. One of the nicest hotels in Surigao that I could see. It cost me about 30,000p for the marriage package at the hotel.

Yes Folks! I got married in San Francisco.

Additional costs for my wedding were:

2000p to help some short changed relatives get back home.
6400p for a roasted whole pig aka Lechon.
3500p for Wedding Cake.
5000p for a minivan and driver.
4400p for extra night at the Tavern and food for relatives.
2000p for the payment to the Mayor.
6500p for wedding garments( dresses, gowns, barangs etc. for wedding party)
2000p for wedding favors to hand out to guests.

Total: 31,800p for the extras
Tavern Hotel Package is 30,000p
Grand Total Price:61,800p equals approximately $1466.98CAD as of the date of the post.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

An Introduction

The themes that will be discussed in this blog are my marriage to my lovely Filipino wife Eva and my physical disability.

You might think that there nothing to special to you there. My wife Eva and I were recently married in the Philippines on May 23. Eve and I have known each other since Feb. 13/09.

I will be doing the paperwork soon as I can and I of course will share all of our ups and downs as  we deal with the immigration process here in Canada. Supposedly it will take 3 months to review my sponsorship agreement, then another 9 months to review her right of permanent residence application. My friend Graham was told his sponsorship application will take 6 months to look at, so who knows what will happen for me. Could it be a similar fate?

Other themes will include how I am moving forward now after being sheltered for most of my 42 years. Some of those years I was extremely sheltered. You might wonder now why I was so sheltered. I was born with Cerebral Palsy. While my Cerebral Palsy is extremely mild, the doctors of the '70s told my parents I'd be not much more than a vegetable. Now top that of with supposedly having 70 IQ. I remember purposely answering questions improperly cause I thought they were stupid questions.These events good and bad have molded who I am today and where I'm going.

In recent years I've read books on self-improvement, communication,string and quantum theory.I have put some of this knowledge in action to get myself to this point of creating this blog.Now you have a fairly good idea where I'm starting from, I hope you will join me on this adventure that is my life.