Friday, June 15, 2012

My Life To Date

One of my goals for this blog is make sure that I don't want to become a forum for complaining and to discuss what has helped me to become who I am  today hasn't. I want you, my reader to learn from my successes and from my failures.

I definitely do not want this blog to be full of complaints it's extremely easy to complain. People always complain about the weather. I hear stuff like "It's too cold!" . According to the theorem "What you focus on is what you more of."

So why focus on stuff in my past that I can't change. One of my major beliefs is the above theorem. So I work on making things happen now by holding to a dominant thoughts that are so positive, that what you meets you half way. My other belief is to practice gratitude for what you got. I have found that by practicing gratitude, you start to realize exactly what you got in front of you to help you get to your next goal.

In short, while I could complain and feel bad about my past of feeling alone and neglected by people. Why bother though? It can't change your past! Focusing on what you got now to help you get to your next goal is more important. It also demonstrates personal responsibility, by putting the responsibility on yourself you start to take the initiative to fix the problems that have held you back and more importantly you stop feeling like a victim! More over, you start building life the way you want it to become the person you want to be!

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